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Enthrone your home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus 🙏🏽❤️‍🔥

Updated: May 19, 2023

How we came to Enthrone our Home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

In the midst of my continuous conversion, I've found many efficacious practices & devotions. A couple of years ago I had heard about the Sacred Heart Enthronement. But because of a lack of priests willing to travel to our home during the epidemic, we had to do it ourselves, my husband & head of our household took the lead & said the prayers/blessings.

Fast forward to 2023. We now attend the closest ICKSP, and have been prompted to find out more about these beautiful gems of our faith. Our priest after meeting with my husband on some spiritual counsel, asked if we had our home Enthroned to the Sacred Heart. He did mention that it was done, but by him, in which case our priest invited us to get it done properly & he would be willing to travel to us to do so. Deo Gratias! We are over an hour from our Parish so I was delighted to hear that our priest would be willing to make the trip our way & enthrone our home properly!

What is the Enthronement to the Sacred Heart?

So I've gotten this question quite a lot lately! Which is great, I hope by finding sources of truth, I can share it with others as well, and they can share in these gifts of our faith.

To quote a few excerpts of Raymond Leo Cardinal Burke’s book on the devotion: The Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, he states:

"The practice of the Enthronement of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in the home was begun by Father Mateo Crawley-Boevey, SS CC (1875-1961), the great Apostle of the Enthronement. Father Crawley-Boevey insisted on the official and social recognition of the rule of the Sacred Heart of Jesus over the Christian Family." Fr Mateo Crawley's book on the Enthronement & Devotion can be found here.

"The Enthronement is a way of life. It means that Christ is King of our hearts, and that we desire Him to be present with us always. By the Enthronement, we signify our desire to make our hearts and our homes holy, to sanctify our lives in every aspect."

This is more than just taking an image or picture of the Sacred Heart of Jesus & putting in a places of respect & acknowledgment. It's a daily way of life, and continous surrender, reparation & devotion.

Catholic Tradition . Com also states:

"By the act of Enthronement of the Sacred Heart, the family fulfills at the same time a duty of justice toward our Divine Savior. For He is in very deed its King, its Lord and Master by virtue of His Divine nature and His work of Redemption. It fulfills, moreover, the further duty, which devolves upon every truly Christian family, of rendering solemn reparation to the King of Love, by proclaiming the Divine rights of the Sacred Heart ---- rights which in our present age are so shamefully ignored by a godless, perverted world.

The keynote of the Enthronement is Our Lord's desire to reign over mankind as King of Love. Jesus desires to reign by love and to communicate this love, as He did at Nazareth and Bethany. At Nazareth He was the King of Love in His own home; at Bethany He reigned as King of Love in a devoted family, the prototype of all Christian families of later ages, over which He desires to rule supreme as King of Love and Mercy. By the Enthronement and a subsequent life of devotedness, the family recognizes and proclaims in a special way this Kingship of Jesus Christ, so utterly ignored by the world."

We so often talk about how terrible the world is, how evil seems to run rampant, and how it needs to change. Here is an opportunity to make that change!

Why the Enthronement to the Sacred Heart?

I've heard of so many families after doing this Enthronement, how efficacious & fruitful it has been for every single member of the family. How some people have been unable to enter (cue spritual warfare!) after a family has had their home enthroned.

To see the fruits of the Enthronement it must be lived by the family. If we are truly living our lives according to the King of Love, than we will see our family sanctified, the Christian training of our children will be fruitful, the sanctity of the Sacrament of Marriage will be preserved and we will not only see changes in our home, but we will see it in the world.

Father Mateo declared that it was his intention to unite the two tabernacles: that of the Altar and that of the Home. He desired, he said, to make the home, so to speak, a continuation of the Eucharistic life - daily Mass and Communion extending their influence over the daily life of the family.

How do I get my home Enthroned to the Sacred Heart?

First, make an appointment with your priest.

For it to be done properly & to make it the most efficacious I recommend your priest lead & do all the blessings. He will have instructions for you in order to prepare your hearts & home for the Enthronement.

Normally preparition will include: getting the statue or picture(s) you will have blessed, preparing your whole family in specific prayers leading up to the enthronement (we were given a packet from our priest this is the one he sent us), and feel free to ask any questions about fulfilling your obligations once the enthronement has been finished.

Our family prep included:

  • Prayers of Preparation (3 or 9 days before)

  • Mass Attended & reception of Holy Communion (at minimum the previous Sunday)

Once the ceremony started it consisted of:

  • Blessing of the Home (it's recommended you get your home blessed once a year!)

  • Blessing of the Image(s) - Sacred & Immaculate Hearts

  • Enthronement of the Images

  • Recitation of the Creed

  • A Short Address of the Priest on the Enthronement

  • Consecration of the Family to Sacred Heart of Jesus

  • Homage of the Immaculate Heart of Mary

  • Consecration of the Family to the Immaculate Heart of Mary

  • Prayers for the Absent & Dead Family Members

  • Consecration to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for Children

  • Prayer of Thanksgiving

  • Final Blessing

We were so blessed to enjoy lunch together after our Enthronemnt was completed & we probably talked Canon's ear off 😆😂 he was so patient & kind with us! It was a very blessed day! Please pray for our priests! They are working hard to help lead families to heaven, and if they're not, they most definitely need our prayers! 🙏🏽💗

How do we fulfill our Enthronement Promises?

According to our packet, these are the suggested devotional practices after the Enthronement has been completed:

  1. Frequent and even daily attendance at Mass by at least one member of the family, and Communion of Reparation.

  2. Observance of the First Friday of each month. (Holy Mass, Communion of Reparation, renewal of act of consecration before enthroned image).

  3. Daily family Rosary before the enthroned image of the Sacred Heart, with renewal of the act of consecration. (short form).

  4. Celebration of the Feast of the Sacred Heart by the entire family; attendance at Mass, Communion for the extension of the Reign of the Sacred Heart through the Enthronement; family gathering and celebration at home, with renewal of Enthronement; special party for the children.

  5. Observe the month of June, the month of the Sacred Heart; keep flowers before the “throne.” Mass and communion as often as possible.

  6. Night adoration in the home. Any hour between 9:00 and 6:00, by any one or all the members of the family at least once a month. More info in this can be found here.

  7. Celebrate the Feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Mass, Communion, and consecration of the family to the Immaculate Heart.

  8. Doing the following four things in a spirit of reparation for sins committed against the Immaculate Heart of Mary: Make the Five First Saturdays in reparation to the Immaculate Heart of Mary with (1) Confession of reparation within eight days of the First Saturday (2) Holy Mass and Communion of reparation; (3) Five decades of the Rosary; (4) Fifteen minutes meditation on the fifteen mysteries of the Rosary.

  9. Practice devotion to the Holy Spirit. Recite the chaplet of the Holy Spirit.

  10. Visit, often, Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Use the booklet, Visits to the Blessed Sacrament, by St. Alphonsus to assist you in making these visits more fervently and profitably for your soul and heart.

Beloved, blessed, and glorified be everywhere and forever the Triumphant Heart of Jesus! Amen.

While this may seem like a lot to take on, we must reflect, and ponder this: If we truly desire change in the world, holiness & peace within our families, a fruitful & holy marriage, for Jesus to reign as the King of Love throughout the world, it must start at home. Are we willing to do all that we can to make this change?

Praying for you all 🙏🏽❤️‍🔥




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