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Let's journey together!

Welcome to the world of No Heart Untouched

Catholic Life, Homeschool, Small Business

Welcome to the world of No Heart Untouched! If you're just now finding me, let me introduce myself.

About Me

My name is Alicia & I'm a Catholic mom, homeschooler, business owner & overall hotmess express trying to achieve Sainthood. I run a Catholic business, homeschool my 3 children & love to share truth & beauty through my silly videos I make & share to my social media platforms.

As I've been praying and discerning about the big things in life, I have really felt a call to help out other Catholics on their journey of faith. To just out out there the truth & beauty I have found & share it with others. And most especially to help the women, wives & mothers I know who are encountering really hard & tough decisions when it comes to living a Christian life in today's world.

So that's why I'm adding this blog to my website. I feel like God is calling me to do more than just create. As women, we're created and designed to nurture. Whether we're blessed with our own children, or are nurturing our friends & family members, the natural instinct to care & help others is just something we're born with.

Our kids are SO cute, but we don't share their pics with just anyonhe, sorry!
Our recent vacation to the OBX.

Let's journey together

Whether it's homeschooling, Catholic living, or tips on business life as a mom, I invite you to come along with me. Let's support, pray, seek truth & love together.



Subscribe to my YouTube channel for Homeschool videos, Catholic daily life & everyday living Catholic life.

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